Condenser Boiler Enquiry in Wallasey

Condenser Boiler Enquiry in WallaseyWant to make a condenser boiler enquiry in Wallasey? Perhaps you’re interested in purchasing a new boiler or you want to upgrade from an older one, or you want to know how to increase the efficiency of the boiler you have. Whatever your concern, you need to consult a reputed firm that has wide experience, knowledge and expertise. Condenser boilers are very safe. They may use any type of fuel, but the condensate that forms is used to increase their heating capacity. The exhaust gases produced in conventional boilers are usually released into the atmosphere and these gases contain water vapor which turns into moist condensate which also contains latent heat. This latent heat can be trapped by a heat exchanger and recycled back into the heating system. Hence, the condenser boiler does not waste any of the heat that it generates while consuming the same amount of fuel. As it draws air directly from outside the building, it is a fully sealed unit. They are much safer and can cut your fuel costs by as much as 25%.

In Wallasey, a condenser boiler enquiry can be made to well-known, trustworthy and professionally competent gas boiler installation companies in the local area. You can consult trades directories, Gas Safe registers, national gas companies or trustworthy neighbors, friends, co-workers etc and shortlist a few good firms before making a final choice. Keep in mind the fuel type, boiler type, heating efficiency, installation and maintenance costs and ensure that they are appropriate for your budget and requirements. Some firms may charge call-out fees or separate charges for providing quotations, so make sure you clarify this before you ask them to provide a quote. Ensure that the installation technicians or gas engineers are suitably trained, qualified and have had a thorough background check. If possible, talk to a few former clients and get some genuine feedback.

It’s important to make a condenser boiler enquiry in Wallasey if you’re constructing a new home. New building regulations now mandate that all new boilers that are installed in homes must be condenser boilers of high efficiency. If you would like to make a condenser boiler inquiry, contact Cureton Gas.